Meet Betty

Beautiful Day

Betty was born in South Sudan and migrated to Rhino Refugee Camps in Arua District, Uganda at the age of 14. She lived there for 7 years. Life was very difficult. She had to carry water from the community tap to her family’s house – she lived with her uncle and many young cousins – and helped grow crops, including sorghum, maize, rice, cassava, beans, eggplant, okra, simsim (sesame), and tomatoes. She also helped her family care for their chickens and goats. Betty loved school, her four hour walk was dreadful, but she looked forward to playing soccer with her...

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Meet Mhamad and Zain.

Beautiful Day

Meet the father and son duo Mhamad and Zain. They are originally from Homs, Syria but in 2011 had to flee to Egypt. During their 13 years in Egypt, they moved 16 times throughout the region in an effort to find the best place for work. Finally, they settled in an area known as the Sixth of October City, about 20 miles from downtown Cairo. There Mhamad was able to open up his own business fixing broken copper wires from generators and motors for other businesses and companies. His oldest children were able to attend college. Zain studied mechatronics, a multidisciplinary...

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Meet Yasamin

Beautiful Day

Yasamin speaks Dari, Turkish, Urdu, and Pashto, and is now quickly learning English. She graduated from the Female Administration and Accounting Institute in Kabul, Afghani- stan in 2015 and went on to pursue her bachelors degree in nursing, with a specialization in midwifery. Yasamin enjoyed her practicum at a maternity hospital. She would check in with patients, provide injections, and draw blood when needed. Her favorite part was being right in the delivery room. However, after only two years of studies, her training was cut short when she moved to Kirsehir, Turkey. Yasamin spent seven years In Turkey. Her mother...

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Meet Nooria

Beautiful Day

Nooria grew up in Kabul, Afghanistan’s capital city, where she was able to complete 9th grade before her family moved to Pune, India. Since she wasn’t an Indian citizen, she couldn’t continue in high school. Nevertheless, her passion for learning led her to English and cosmetology classes. She e arned certifications as an esthetician and nail technician. As a self-described “fashionista” and social butterfly, friends would often come to her house to ask for advice on makeup, clothes, and skin products before attending parties and weddings. After 7 years in India, Nooria heard that she would be moving to the...

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Meet Karima

Beautiful Day

This winter session we were joined by Karima along with three of her children. Originally from Kabul, Afghanistan, Karima lived in Turkey for seven years before being resettled in Rhode Island at the end of last year. Karima used to work as a tailor while her kids attended school and participated in soccer and art classes for extracurricular activities. Her two older children were enrolled at a university in Turkey studying computer coding. Karima told us a bit about the uncertainty she had to live with in Turkey as a single mother. She also spoke of feeling isolated and overwhelmed...

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Meet Mmbanga

Beautiful Day

Mmbanga was born in Fizi, a village in DRCongo near Lake Tanganyika, the world’s longest freshwater lake. Her family were farmers, growing corn, cassava, potatoes, and peanuts. Farming the rocky, mountainous soil was backbreaking work. As a child she remembers playing a fun game tossing stones into the air and grabbing others before the first ones hit the ground. But mostly life was hard. When she was 30, Mmbanga fled Fizi to escape civil war. She traveled by boat down Lake Tanganyika to Tanzania where she settled in the Nyarugusu Refugee Camp. She remained there 24 years, raising five children....

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