Meet Wfaa

Beautiful Day

Born in Homs, Syria, Wfaa moved to Jordan with her family as refugees when she was 7 years old. Her father was a realtor and her mother stayed at home, raising 6 children. Wfaa spent 11 years in Jordan, where she completed high school with a love of reading and learning. In early 2016, Wfaa’s family was told they would be resettled to the US. They finally arrived in Providence, RI in June of 2024 - after an 8 years long wait! A family friend sponsored them and the Diocese of Providence introduced Wfaa to Beautiful Day’s job training program. ...

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Meet Fariba

Beautiful Day

Fariba was born and raised in Kabul, Afghanistan. Her childhood was not happy, but she kept a goal of becoming a doctor or journalist. Her parents did not allow her to attend school, and she married at a young age. She was expected to cook and clean for her in-laws who kept an unattainable standard, which added to her difficult life. Fariba was widowed in 2017 and moved to Turkey with her four children, where she spent nine years working late nights in a restaurant and days as a housekeeper. In October 2023 she and two of her children migrated...

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Meet Said

Beautiful Day

Said was born in Eritrea. At the age of 6, his family migrated to Al Qadarif, Sudan, an important trade center not far from the borders of Ethiopia and Eritrea. Said describes his childhood as normal. He went to school. He remembers playing soccer and cards with the kids in his neighborhood, and another game called korsheba, which involved catching sticks with one hand. At thirteen he started work at a construction site, mixing cement and assisting bricklayers.  When he was 24, Said decided to leave Sudan and try to get to Europe. He traveled through the Chad desert for...

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Meet Betty

Beautiful Day

Betty was born in South Sudan and migrated to Rhino Refugee Camps in Arua District, Uganda at the age of 14. She lived there for 7 years. Life was very difficult. She had to carry water from the community tap to her family’s house – she lived with her uncle and many young cousins – and helped grow crops, including sorghum, maize, rice, cassava, beans, eggplant, okra, simsim (sesame), and tomatoes. She also helped her family care for their chickens and goats. Betty loved school, her four hour walk was dreadful, but she looked forward to playing soccer with her...

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Meet Mhamad and Zain.

Beautiful Day

Meet the father and son duo Mhamad and Zain. They are originally from Homs, Syria but in 2011 had to flee to Egypt. During their 13 years in Egypt, they moved 16 times throughout the region in an effort to find the best place for work. Finally, they settled in an area known as the Sixth of October City, about 20 miles from downtown Cairo. There Mhamad was able to open up his own business fixing broken copper wires from generators and motors for other businesses and companies. His oldest children were able to attend college. Zain studied mechatronics, a multidisciplinary...

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Meet Yasamin

Beautiful Day

Yasamin speaks Dari, Turkish, Urdu, and Pashto, and is now quickly learning English. She graduated from the Female Administration and Accounting Institute in Kabul, Afghani- stan in 2015 and went on to pursue her bachelors degree in nursing, with a specialization in midwifery. Yasamin enjoyed her practicum at a maternity hospital. She would check in with patients, provide injections, and draw blood when needed. Her favorite part was being right in the delivery room. However, after only two years of studies, her training was cut short when she moved to Kirsehir, Turkey. Yasamin spent seven years In Turkey. Her mother...

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