Betty was born in South Sudan and migrated to Rhino Refugee Camps in Arua District, Uganda at the age of 14. She lived there for 7 years. Life was very difficult. She had to carry water from the community tap to her family’s house – she lived with her uncle and many young cousins – and helped grow crops, including sorghum, maize, rice, cassava, beans, eggplant, okra, simsim (sesame), and tomatoes. She also helped her family care for their chickens and goats.
Betty loved school, her four hour walk was dreadful, but she looked forward to playing soccer with her classmates and learning English.
In April of 2024 she arrived in the US and in May she started Beautiful Day’s training program. She is a special fan of the hummus and enjoys her time joking around with the kitchen staff. Right now, she is starting to save for school and has applied to attend GED classes. Afterwards, she would like to go to college for nursing and possibly Computer Engineering. She is also hopeful that one day she will be able to bring her siblings to the US who are still in South Sudan and Uganda.