Yasamin speaks Dari, Turkish, Urdu, and Pashto, and is now quickly learning English. She graduated from the Female Administration and Accounting Institute in Kabul, Afghani- stan in 2015 and went on to pursue her bachelors degree in nursing, with a specialization in midwifery. Yasamin enjoyed her practicum at a maternity hospital. She would check in with patients, provide injections, and draw blood when needed. Her favorite part was being right in the delivery room. However, after only two years of studies, her training was cut short when she moved to Kirsehir, Turkey.
Yasamin spent seven years In Turkey. Her mother found work as a chef while Yasamin took several short-term jobs as a waitress. When she heard that she would be moving to the US, she was thrilled, especially about the possibility of going back to school and finding a good job.
She heard about Beautiful Day through a friend in our Afghan Women’s Entrepreneurship Program. Her mother, an experienced chef, enrolled as well. Yasamin went on to join our Kitchen and Market programs! She now helps sell granola at one of our farmers’ markets. She continues to take English classes online and is trying to enroll in CNA classes. For the future she sees herself working in a hospital again.