Ngabo is one of our youth job trainees. Here is his story.
Ngabo’s parents and older siblings fled from Congo to the Gihembe refugee camp in Rwanda where Ngabo was born. He recalls friends, learning some English in school, and how it was sometimes an hour walk each way to try to fetch water in a swampy area. His extended family, including cousins, all lived in a tent.
When Ngabo's family was resettled in the summer of 2016, he didn’t realize that some of those cousins were already here in Rhode Island. How great to be close to them again! Ngabo tested into 9th grade thanks to the classes in Rwanda. The first day of school was scary, but he made friends quickly. He was in awe of snow having, never seen or imagined anything like it.
He applied for our program not realizing it was the same place where his father first trained for a job. He’s now been with us for a month and says he is already learning how to talk to people, do sales and the importance of knowing a schedule. When he graduates from high school next year Ngabo plans to go to Universal Technical Institute in Pennsylvania to study mechanics.
Ngabo’s parents and older siblings fled from Congo to the Gihembe refugee camp in Rwanda where Ngabo was born. He recalls friends, learning some English in school, and how it was sometimes an hour walk each way to try to fetch water in a swampy area. His extended family, including cousins, all lived in a tent.
When Ngabo's family was resettled in the summer of 2016, he didn’t realize that some of those cousins were already here in Rhode Island. How great to be close to them again! Ngabo tested into 9th grade thanks to the classes in Rwanda. The first day of school was scary, but he made friends quickly. He was in awe of snow having, never seen or imagined anything like it.
He applied for our program not realizing it was the same place where his father first trained for a job. He’s now been with us for a month and says he is already learning how to talk to people, do sales and the importance of knowing a schedule. When he graduates from high school next year Ngabo plans to go to Universal Technical Institute in Pennsylvania to study mechanics.