Meet Rodrigo
Rodrigo knows he’s good at adapting. Though he was born in the US, he spent his entire life in Guatemala, where he had to move frequently. When his family had to flee the violence last year, he joined an uncle in Rhode Island and the rest of his family followed.

Starting at a new high school in a new language as a junior isn’t easy, but Rodrigo also knows it’s full of opportunities. “I could be sad that I don’t know anyone,” he told us. Instead he’s worked on learning and making friends. On the first day of school, his friends took him to meet the football coach, and he learned that the football he grew up playing is called "soccer" here! Rodrigo has been getting mostly A-plusses in his classes, so he’s trying to move out of ELL into the regular classes.

Rodrigo was interested in Beautiful Day for the opportunity to practice English, and because he felt that the job training was important. His practicum at the Farm Fresh Wintertime Market involves selling products, talking to customers, and all the details of handling cash and credit cards, plus setting up and breaking down. He says he appreciates the friends he’s made, and he’s learning the value of first impressions and the importance of managing his time.
Written by Beautiful Day


Dear Rodrigo, I am impressed by your courage and determination to learn and grow from both the difficulties and opportunities life has presented to you. Keep up the good work! Marie-Claire

Marie-Claire on Mar 11, 2025

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