Jane B A.
It is my regular cereal and have been able to share it with family.
Joseph B.
Thanks. Our daily morning treat!
Julie H.
I didn't think I would like this as much as the granola but this is delicious! It is an addition to my yogurt, fruit, granola mix and also has replaced my morning cereal. The ingredients for the muesli and granola are almost identical but this is more cinnamony!
Betty C.
We love the muscle. Sometimes with blueberries and milk, sometimes right out of the bag. It is delicious!
Jane B A.
Healthy and easy. Good cooked in winter.
Christine F.
We love the granola here in Pennsylvania and think it tastes even better because it is made by the folks at Beautiful Day who are made welcome and productive in their new surroundings in Rhode Island. Good flavor, outstanding mission.
Betty C.
We love the muesli and have it for breakfast 2 or 3 times a week. Great healthy ingredients and delicious.
Stephen K.
Great product at a reasonable price.
Betty C.
We love this for breakfast. We have heard that others use it for cookies and muffins. We are yet to try cooking with it but I hope to try that soon.
Jane B A.
I was able to share some with a friend and hope she will become a fan.
Betty C.
We love receiving the muesil. It is so good right out of the bag for snacking, and delicious for breakfast. I really liked the card that was included about "Betty" who is planning for her education. We share a name and that is very special. We wish her the best and are so happy that she was able to come to the United States.
Stephen K.
I use the Breakfast Originola Muesli as a topping on my favorite cereal in the morning. My cereal has no crunch and Muesli by itself is to much, but it’s just right as a topping.
Jane B A.
The granola is great, hot or cold! Love it over blueberries most mornings.
Betty C.
We really love this Originola Muesli. I intend to make cookies with it sometime but we always eat it all up for breakfast.
Daniel M. B.
Always fresh with every package I open It’s so good that nothing compares to this granola If I ran out I just have a toast for breakfast until my next shipment arrives
Jane B A.
I love this stuff. I eat it almost every morning with the small blueberries. I have cooked it also and like it that way too.
Betty C.
Delicious as usual. We love it.
Joseph B.
healthy and tasty
Stephen K.
Great product. Everything they have is very good. Hey shipped my order very quickly.
Jane B A.
I live the granola
Betty C.
The package arrived on time and as usual we love it. I still have not tried it in cookies but for breakfast it is outstanding!
Betty C.
This makes the perfect snack and wonderful breakfast. My husband and I really enjoy it.
Betty C.
I love the original Muesli with almond milk. It is like eating dessert for breakfast. We always have to have a bag of this in the house.
Betty C.
My husband and I were introduced to Beautiful Day by our daughter and her husband. They gave us a 5 pound bag of Original Muesli for Christmas a year ago and we have loved it ever since. I have not tried it in cookies yet but I am anxious to do that. It is the best muesli we have ever had.
Rebecca H.
Really tasty, though the addition of oil and sweetener make it not meusli, more granola. Still, I'd get it again.
Stephen K.
It's great in the morning on top of my raisin bran cereal!
Betty C.
I love this granola. It is so good that now I do not eat any other cereal - only Beautiful Day.
Stephen K.
I love the muesli mix. I'd get it again.
May M.
I've been making my own muesli for years because I couldn't find a commercial one with the variety of ingredients I like. Beautiful Day is better than homemade..so glad to have found you!
kimberly i.
Honestly, it's the best Muesli I have ever eaten! Perfect balance of flavors. And, it's not just for breakfast. This Muesli makes the MOST DELICIOUS cookies ever!
Sarah K.
This is a favorite gift from our daughter who lives in Warwick. We enjoy the textures and flavors, but even more we enjoy the fact that it is made by folks who are beginning their lives in the USA and are being valued as friends and employees. Keep up the good work!
Isla A.
This muesli has been my breakfast for several months now. Every day I eat it topped with fruit and yogurt after soaking it in a little warm milk. When I was getting close to finishing my first five pounds of it, I rapidly ordered another five pounds, afraid to be even a day without my favorite breakfast. This muesli has a good mix of nuts and seeds in it, and what is most important to me, it is not too sweet. I love it!
Dewey C.
I've been adding 3 cups of muesli to 2 kg of sourdough for a few months now, in my weekly bread baking. It adds the delights of nuts and cranberries to a wonderful French bread!