Many of you once read about Zaid in the RI Monthly–how he fled Iraq for Syria in 2006 and journeyed, apart from family, for a failed asylum bid in Sweden. His family was resettled in Providence in 2010 and he started working for Beautiful Day. This was back when BD was an experiment. Zaid did every job we had: baking, receiving, shipping, deliveries, deposits, markets. If you’ve received a package from Beautiful Day, you can bet it passed through Zaid’s hands.
Zaid recalls coming to the US with nothing. He thanks God that his father taught him to work hard and make something out of nothing. In 2012 a customer (Wayne) hired him at the Providence Journal, where he is now a supervisor and has helped hire many refugees. In 11 years he’s bought a house and two cars. His daughter excels in school. His son likes gaming and YouTube. His twins are in kindergarten.
Zaid likes being busy, so he’s excited that his second job (us!) keeps growing. At first he used the USPS website to order postage. Now he manages multiple apps, spreadsheets, shipping providers, ecommerce software, and point of sale equipment. He’s been an essential part of our growth and feels proud to think of us as family.