We wanted to introduce you to our new digs and latest employee. Amos House, the soup kitchen and homeless shelter in South Providence, has allowed us to turn their commercial kitchen into a granola factory on Friday nights. The deal we struck with them was right up our alley: they would charge a modest rental fee to (barely) cover utilities while we would hire Nelson Colon—a recent graduate of their culinary program. Talk about a incredible deal! Nelson not only knows that kitchen upside down, but he works amazingly hard, is thrilled to be working, and is a lot of fun to be around. He has even volunteered to tutor Evon, one of our other employees as she studies for her “serve-safe” certificate. All this is a big step forward for us. Only a couple months ago, we were secretly praying we wouldn’t get too many orders because we knew we couldn’t handle them. Now, with access to a 10 rack convection oven, we say bring ‘em on! So order up, spread the word; if you know of coffee shops or other stores who might like to be a part of this project let us know and we’ll get in touch with them.