Refugee & Black: An Interview with Monica

Rebecca Garland 2 comments
It started in high school. I noticed that during history class we weren't being taught about black history. They just skimmed through it - even slavery. Like one week of "Black History." And that struck a nerve. Me and my friends, we talked to the teachers and then the head of school. He was hesitant, but we were passionate and all about taking action. And we started a morning gathering of the whole school where we would tell one fact about black history or about Africa or even Asia because there were a lot of international students at my school.
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Our Mentoring Program is Off and Running. Meet Annu!

Beautiful Day
Last weekend, we welcomed ten extraordinary people to be mentors in our Refugee Youth Program. These men and women will work with the teens in a number of ways. Some will meet one-on-one with a youth to provide friendship and guidance. Others will offer academic support. And still others will host special projects. Annu Palakunnathu Matthew falls into the third category. 
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Bread Story

Keith Cooper
The bread was great.  Crust that would cut your gums, and an inside that was moist and chewy!  The only thing lacking was how to modify this bread so that it wasn’t just the plain bread explained on The Baker’s tutorial.  The answer?  Beautiful Day’s muesli!  When you put some muesli into the dough you get delights of nuts, fruits, and the nuttiness of oats.
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Introducing Super Originola Muesli

Keith Cooper 2 comments
We've wanted to do a low oil/low sugar product for a long time.  Our fans, including some on our staff team who are avoiding sugar, have been asking for it. And as much as I like granola, I eat it as more of a treat. I usually gravitate towards an obscenely large bowl of raw oats in the morning as if I'm a horse and strapping on a feed bag. Sometimes I won't need to eat for the rest of the day.
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Welcome to our new website

Keith Cooper 1 comment
Welcome to our new website which we opened yesterday without announcement or fanfare. This isn't false modesty. We're still making sure the little pieces all fit together and link to the right places. But if you're reading this in the last week of October 2020 without being directed here by announcement, then welcome! A special heartfelt welcome. You are one of our first visitors.
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Our Spring Appeal

Keith Cooper

As we look back on a successful year, we also recognize that many things have changed. The questions we have asked ourselves in the past two months would have been unheard of in 2019. How do you rent a kitchen in the middle of a pandemic? An unthinkable question that suddenly became extremely relevant when we lost our kitchen due to covid concerns and had to find a new one quickly. With the help of supporters like you, we found one after three weeks.

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