Interview with Patricia Stevens, a Beautiful Day Mentor

Beautiful Day
It’s a privilege to be sitting here with Patricia Stevens, one of Beautiful Day’s Youth Program Mentors. Patricia has been volunteering for us for a short time, but already has had a tremendous impact on the youth whom she is mentoring. Patricia has been a tax preparer for 22 years and is living with her husband on the West Side of Providence.
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Pricing. Some Uncomfortable Realities.

Keith Cooper 1 comment
We tried very hard to keep our prices the same. But, we had to make the difficult decision to raise our prices to keep up with rising costs. As always, our goal is to continue to serve quality granola and coffee, and we want you to know how much we appreciate you as our customers. We feel honored to be doing this work, and we deeply appreciate everyone for sticking with us, our products, and our staff and trainees during this inflationary period.
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Greetings from all of us at Beautiful Day!

Rebecca Garland

After being scattered across the city, we recently moved to a brand new space where all our operations are under one roof. We love it. For the very first time, we are literally “home for the holidays.” But to be honest, we don’t feel completely at home there yet. Everything is still so new. Maybe this is appropriate since we work with refugees who have left behind everything that’s familiar. They experience profound disruption and isolation as they struggle to adjust to a new culture with strange traditions like pine trees in the living room and a fat man in...

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Our "Band Aid Bar" Campaign Ends with a Bang

Beautiful Day
Last spring, Beautiful Day received a grant from the CDC Foundation to put stickers encouraging COVID-19 vaccination onto granola bars and to distribute them to refugee communities. We partnered with 14 organizations that were providing emergency services to refugees and asked them to hand the bars out to their clients.
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Beautiful Day Goes to Middle School

Rebecca Garland

Teacher Joe Baer talks with 8th grade students enrolled in Wheeler School'sCityside Program (Pre-Covid photo) That's right, now we're in middle school - at the Wheeler School in Providence to be exact! We've been working all semester with teacher Joe Baer, Director of the  Cityside Program, a special year-long class at Wheeler that all 8th graders take part in, where students collaborate with local nonprofits and other stakeholders to produce projects designed to promote positive change in Rhode Island. Working off-campus, students form groups of 3 or 4 and decide together on an area of interest to focus on. The groups then reach out to organizations or individuals...

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Portrait of an Extraordinary Woman: Aline

Rebecca Garland 4 comments

Today is International Women's Day and we are featuring Aline Binyungu, a former refugee from DRCongo who has dedicated her life to helping women and girls. Many of you know her as the co-founder of Women's Refugee Care, along with her husband, Clement Shabani. This is an organization dedicated to supporting refugee families primarily from East Africa. Rebecca spoke to Aline to learn more about her life's work. Rebecca: When you were growing up in the DRCongo, what made you decide that you wanted to work with girls and women? Aline: When I was little, my mother was always feeling depressed because she had...

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