One program Beautiful Day started piloting this year involves job training for a few teenage refugee students who want to learn how help pay the family bills.
We’re proud to introduce Ingabire Monique who first learned about Beautiful Day because her father started his career as a trainee. For the last few months she’s been helping run the farmers’ market.
Monique was born in a camp in Tanzania and grew up along with 5 siblings in another camp in Mozambique. Her childhood memories are a window into what millions of warehoused refugees experience: “You don’t know where your next meal is coming from, or where you are going; or even if you will be able to go have a new life.”
Monique remembers the fear of not having choices, but also says that none of this matters anymore, “Because I am from Providence now!” As a senior at Central High School, she loves learning, likes earning some money, and volunteers to help other refugees at a local non-profit. She will be attending college next year.