Meet Furaha

If you worked alongside Furaha in our kitchen, you’d notice how warm, vibrant, and funny she is. And how well she communicates. Despite never attending school she already helps us explain things in Swahili to fellow Congolese trainees.

But she carries heartache too. She was attacked by men with guns at the market where she was working. She mostly remembers the utter confusion and constant running that, in the end, left her in Tanzania with one child, separated from the rest of her family, including another child. She married another refugee there. Her

Furaha likes working because she is deeply sad when alone. She still hopes to find her parents, brothers, sisters, and a child who would now be 13. She is happy to sleep safely and not hear gunshots, and she says she wants a life of peace and love.

So much is new for Furaha in her third country (the USA). She has been introduced to ESL classes and new foods, including granola, which she proudly brings home to her family and serves to guest

Written by Meggean Ward

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