Seasons Greetings Dear Friends,

Photo by Erika Baker

Photo by Erika Baker

Perhaps you will remember or have heard about our stony-ground early days as a start-up non profit. We were teaching hidden people to make granola (of all things). I was a volunteer, and we were all wondering whether a small business had a chance to serve our grander purpose.

We are still at it, though we’ve found ourselves in the thick of some of the most important issues facing our nation: poverty, migration, displacement, race relations, job development; empathy, hope, love. This moment in history matters. Displacement in the world is accelerating while wealthy countries balk. Our own country seems prepared to close doors to those most in need.

We are far from losing hope. With this holiday greeting I want share some of the hopeful faces of our trainees. I tried to give this holiday card a patriotic (and perhaps slightly Irish) theme, not because I believe in American exceptionalism (I do not!), but because I earnestly believe in American opportunity, and the hospitality of millions of Americans.

As far as elections go, we at Beautiful Day are ‘electing’ to grow our impact in this coming year. From the beginning we’ve been seeking not just customers or donors but partners who believe refugees among us can work in dignity and nourish their community. We’ve wanted to make sure that everyone has a practical way to get involved, even if it’s just by eating a granola bar.

Photo by Erika Baker

Photo by Erika Baker

We ask today for your generosity and hope that you will consider sending a gift. Your support would come at a critical time for our organization. In early 2017 we plan to move to a new facility where we can expand training and have production, storage, and office under one roof. We also believe that the time is right to foster direct relationships between our community and newly arrived refugees by adding a Refugee Liaison to our team. We have identified just the right person—but it would add approximately $20,000 to our budget to hire her.

Thanking you in advance for your generosity. Have a happy and healthy holiday season.

Keith Cooper


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